How To

eBay Account Health: How to Keep Your Store Compliant as a Reseller

eBay Account Health: How to Keep Your Store Compliant as a Reseller

As a reseller on eBay, it's essential to keep your account in good health to avoid any account-related issues that could affect your sales. In this blog post, we'll share tips and strategies to help you maintain a healthy eBay account and stay compliant with eBay's policies.

Finding Focus: How to Boost Productivity and Improve Time Management as a Reseller

Finding Focus: How to Boost Productivity and Improve Time Management as a Reseller

As a reseller, it's crucial to maximize your productivity and manage your time effectively to stay ahead in a competitive market. In this blog, we'll explore techniques and tools to help you find focus, improve your productivity, and get more done in less time. From time management strategies to productivity hacks, this blog will provide valuable insights to help you succeed as a reseller.

Goal-Setting for Resellers: How to Achieve Success in Your Reselling Business

Goal-Setting for Resellers: How to Achieve Success in Your Reselling Business

As a reseller, it's important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve in your business. Without clear goals, you may find yourself floundering, unsure of what steps to take to grow your business. Goal-setting is the key to achieving success in your reselling business. In this article, we'll explore how to set achievable goals, break them down into actionable steps, and track your progress towards success.

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an eBay Business

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an eBay Business

Starting an eBay business can be an exciting and lucrative venture, but it's important to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your success. In this blog post, we'll discuss the top 10 mistakes that new eBay sellers often make, and provide tips for how to avoid them. By following these tips, you'll be on your way to building a successful eBay business and achieving your financial goals.

How to Start an eBay Business with a Low Budget

How to Start an eBay Business with a Low Budget

Starting an eBay business can be a great way to earn money from home, but many people are discouraged by the perceived start-up costs. The good news is that you can start an eBay business with a low budget and still be successful. In this blog post, we will cover the steps you can take to start an eBay business on a budget.

How to Make Money Reselling on eBay in the UK: A Beginner's Guide

How to Make Money Reselling on eBay in the UK: A Beginner's Guide

Looking to make some extra money or start your own online business? Reselling on eBay can be a lucrative and rewarding option, with a vast marketplace of 19 million active users in the UK alone. In this beginner's guide, we'll take you through the steps to get started with eBay reselling in the UK, including tips on niche selection, product sourcing, creating high-quality listings, managing sales, and scaling your business. Follow these expert tips from Reseller University and unlock the secrets to eBay reselling success!