Goal-Setting for Resellers: How to Achieve Success in Your Reselling Business

As a reseller, setting goals to achieve long-term success in your business is essential.

However, setting goals is more than just writing them down. You need to ensure they are achievable, broken down into actionable steps, and track your progress. Here are some tips from Reseller University on how to set goals for your reselling business.

  1. Set Specific Goals:

    Goals should be specific and clearly defined. For example, instead of setting a goal to increase sales, set a goal to increase sales by 20% in the next three months.

  2. Break Down Your Goals into Smaller Steps:

    Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps. This approach will make it easier to measure your progress and achieve your goals.

  3. Make Your Goals Measurable:

    Goals should be measurable, so you can track your progress. For example, if your goal is to increase sales, measure your progress by tracking the number of items sold. We provide tools inside Reseller University to help you do this.

  4. Set Realistic Deadlines:

    Deadlines will help you stay focused and motivated. Set realistic deadlines for your goals that are achievable within your schedule. A goal without a timeline is just a dream.

  5. Celebrate Milestones:

    Celebrate your progress and milestones along the way. Recognising your achievements will help you stay motivated and committed to achieving your goals. It may be your 90-day total, hitting a listings goal or something else that deserves a pat on the back.

  6. Adjust and Adapt:

    Reselling is a dynamic industry; sometimes things don't go as planned. Be flexible and willing to adjust your goals and strategies as needed.

  7. Track Your Progress:

    Tracking your progress is essential to achieve your goals. Use a tool like the RU Projected Income Calculator to track your progress, like a spreadsheet or a goal-tracking app.

Setting goals is essential to achieving success in your reselling business. By following these tips, you can set achievable goals, break them into actionable steps, and track your progress. With the right mindset and strategies, you can achieve your goals and take your reselling business to the next level.

Don't forget to check out our ebook "10 Tips for Growing a Successful eBay Store"! for more strategies on achieving success as a reseller. Happy goal-setting!